R E W A R D  S P E C I A L I S T S

P r o j e c t HR

E: info@projecthr.co.uk               T: 01933 418123

For more information about our services please email info@projecthr.co.uk or call 01933 418123

Implemented a top to bottom grading review, including job evaluation, pay structure design and costing and changes to terms and conditions.  We worked with management and unions to achieve a collective agreement



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 Pay benchmarking

Pay Structure

 Reward Strategy

 Job Evaluation

 Pay Structure Design & Costing

 Performance related pay

Equality & Compliance

 Equal Pay Audit

 Equality Impact Assessment

 Gender Pay Gap Reporting

Pay Structure Equality & Compliance Benchmarking

Project HR Consultants Ltd

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Reward Strategy - Implementing the right reward strategy can help your organisation to recruit, motivate and retain employees.  A reward strategy needs to align with an organisation’s people strategy and business objectives.  We have extensive experience of working with key stakeholders and senior managers either in a facilitated focus group or on a one-to-one basis to design, develop and implement a reward strategy that’s right for your organisation.

Job evaluation - Job evaluation is the cornerstone to achieving equal pay.  However, it is much more besides that. It helps organisations to develop and maintain a consistent approach to job grading, ensures proper relativities between jobs are maintained, assists with organisational design and underpins the development of a robust and defensible pay structure.  

Project HR has extensive experience of developing and using a variety of job evaluation schemes. We can also design bespoke job evaluation schemes to meet the specific nature of your organisation.

Project HR also provides a job analysis service.  Job analysis is a structured method of collecting job data for the stated purpose. It can be used for many different activities within an organisation.  These might include for job design, producing a job description and person specification, providing information for job evaluation or for construction of job families.  

Pay Structure Design & Costing - Affordability and employee impact are key criteria when designing a reward structure.  Project HR has extensive experience of designing pay structures for many different types of client organisations.  Our philosophy is to listen to the customer to fully understand their requirements and then design a pay structure that meets those needs.   Pay progression might be straight forward incremental progression or creating a link between pay progression and employee contribution or introducing an employee bonus scheme.  Whatever the requirement, Project HR has the know how to get the job done.

In order to forecast the cost of potential pay and reward structures Project HR has developed a sophisticated tool to calculate the cost of implementing new pay arrangements.  This powerful tool is used to design and forecast the future cost of reward structures taking into account pay progression, turnover and employers’ on-costs.

Performance related pay - one of the biggest costs to an organisation is usually the staff costs.  If an organisation doesn’t use this resource to impact employee performance then it could be said that it is missing a trick.  However, performance pay is not without pitfalls!  Getting it right takes time, energy and effort. We can help you develop a performance pay scheme that’s right for your organisation.