R E W A R D  S P E C I A L I S T S

P r o j e c t HR

E: info@projecthr.co.uk               T: 01933 418123

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Project HR Consultants Ltd

Registered Office; 325 Foxhall Road, Ipswich, IP3 8LF

Company registered in England No 4933989

VAT GB 797998711

© Copyright Project HR Consultants Ltd 2018

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Equality Statement

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Equality Statement

Statement of Intent

Project HR recognises that the provision of equal opportunities in the workplace is not only good management practice, it also makes sound business sense.  Throughout our activities, Project HR will treat all people equally, whether they are seeking or using our services or applying for a job or already employed by us.

Project HR is committed to eliminating discrimination and to achieve this will not discriminate directly or indirectly through applying conditions or requirements, which cannot shown to be justified. We will not discriminate on the grounds of age, colour, disability, ethnic origin, gender, HIV status, marital status, nationality or national origins, race, religious beliefs, responsibility for dependants, sexuality or unrelated criminal conviction.

Equal Opportunities in Employment

As a small employer, Project HR promotes a good and harmonious working environment.  We fulfil our legal obligations under the equality legislation and associated codes of practice.  We are all treated with respect and dignity.

Project HR ensures that all job applicants and employees are given equal opportunity for recruitment, training and promotion, and equal terms and conditions of employment for jobs of equal value.  All appointments and promotions will be based on an objective assessment of the skills and abilities needed to perform the required jobs. We will take all measures possible to make reasonable adjustments, where appropriate, in order to provide employment to applicants who meet the requirements for the post and prove to be the best candidate for the job.

Equal Opportunities in Service Provision

As a service provider, Project HR is committed to promoting equal opportunities in all that it does.  A key objective of Project HR it to support organisations with their reward-related projects ensuring that they achieve fairness in their pay policies and practices with regards to all legislation in relation to equality and diversity.   At the beginning of any assignment, we make ourselves aware of the client’s commitment with regards to equal opportunities.

Project HR will also develop its methods of service delivery to make services more accessible to individuals who have particular communication and information needs which disadvantage them.


It is the responsibility of every employee of Project HR to uphold and implement this policy and the direct responsibility of management to manage and plan our activities so as to realise this policy.

Project HR will regularly monitor its practices as an employer and service provider to comply with changes to legislation.

Project HR Consultants Ltd reserves the right to change the content of this site any any time without notice.